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The Vet Who Kills @ Warm Springs Pet Hospital - "Dr." Debra Chen

warm springs pet hospital company sign

Debra Chen, DVM - Warm Springs Pet Hospital - CAT MURDERER



Debra Chen is lying to current customers who inquire about Stella's death that Stella had an underlying health condition. This is absolutely untrue.  

screenshot of paid advertisement by warm springs pet hospital

Coming across this sponsored promotion from Warm Springs Pet Hospital while researching feline anesthesia raises doubts about their priorities. It seems their main goal is to target a wide audience through paid ads, placing an emphasis on profit rather than a dedication to improving their quality of service. Particularly concerning is their track record, which includes two documented fatalities from dental cleanings within a year, casting doubt on their competence in dental procedures.

(Rudolph Warm Springs Pet Hospital Google Images)

screenshot showing small claims court case against warm springs

Here is a case in which the plaintiff sued Warm Springs Pet Hospital for wrong procedure, I believe. It's available to view by the public. Click the link above. The fact that the plaintiff lost means nothing because of the way laws are set up. Animals don't have any rights and are seen as property but we all know they are part of our families and treat them more like children. So yes, the courts are not going to rule in your favor BUT that doesn't mean the person did not have a valid reason to file a claim against Warm Springs. 

Warm Springs Pet Hospital Former Employee Reviews

"Boss is really unprofessional and inappropriate sometimes"


That can't be!

"Management unorganized. no respect towards workers"

No way, get outta here...

"Owner and management were always looking to benefit themselves"


"Manager unprofessional. Hiring manager lied multiple times on pay"

You don't say...

People That Have Something To Say:
some nice, some not so much

Messages I received through Yelp...

This is a message from Lorielle on Yelp. She was so kind and after reading my review on Yelp, she chose to cancel her appointment at Warm Springs Pet Hospital and go to a different vet. I know she won't regret that decision. I just hope they refunded her deposit. First vet I've ever seen require a deposit for an appointment. 

image of conversation on yelp

Now here's the message that was not so nice BUT she gave me some valuable information. The edits in red were done by me. 

I'm sorry but I just have to say this....

Debra Chen is truly something else. She operates on an entirely different level of despicability. There's no hint of guilt or remorse within her, even after being responsible for Stella's death. I have consistently maintained that her behavior directly reflects her fundamentally rotten character. It's evident that she has no regard for the fact that someone lost their baby while under her care. If she genuinely cared, she would display more respect. It's understandable that she doesn't want to lose customers but she could've just kept it professional by saying, "we're not sure what happened." Instead, she deliberately chose to make a completely false statement and lied to her loyal customer without any concern whatsoever. What kind of person are you?? Do you even possess a soul? A conscience? Based on your actions, it's clear that you don't. This is precisely why I feel a sense of revulsion when I read her responses to reviews, as I am fully aware of how incredibly fake they are, while countless unsuspecting individuals remain unaware. 

image of conversation 2 on yelp
image of conversation 2 on yelp continued

A little about this "amazing" vet hospital                                                       ...from my perspective

My intention here is not to unfairly criticize Warm Springs Pet Hospital, specifically "Dr." Debra Chen, without a valid reason. I aim to emphasize the importance of carefully evaluating the qualifications and ethics of professionals who genuinely care for our precious pets.​


Firstly, it is important to note that "Dr." Debra Chen is not board-certified, indicating that she has not undergone an additional four years of specialized training required to be officially recognized as a veterinary surgery specialist. Her educational background includes veterinary school, which typically offers limited training in dental procedures. 


Furthermore, Warm Springs Pet Hospital is not accredited. Accreditation is a voluntary process that indicates a veterinary practice's commitment to meeting or exceeding stringent quality standards in all aspects of veterinary care, including pain management and record-keeping, with an ongoing dedication to improvement. This inevitably raises the question: if they are so highly regarded, as suggested by endless five-star Yelp reviews, why have they not pursued accreditation? The logical inference is that they may fall short of the stringent standards required for such recognition. Dear Warm Springs, get accredited and prove me wrong. I challenge you. ​

Here is what is deeply concerning. You are essentially entrusting your cherished pet to an individual who lacks specialization as a surgeon and may not possess the necessary qualifications to perform surgical procedures. I, like many others, assumed that all veterinarians performing surgeries were suitably trained and qualified for such tasks. I was not aware there were different types of vets.

​​“Dr.” Debra Chen's credentials include a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Sciences, followed by four years of veterinary school. No additional residency, internship, or specialized training for surgical procedures. It isn’t until the fourth year of veterinary school, which typically includes 13 months of clinical rotations in various areas, where the main focus is direct, hands on training. The question that arises is whether 13 months is sufficient to perform the wide array of surgeries that exist. This minimal training duration is a startling contrast to the rigorous training and specialization required in many other professions responsible for a life.

In my view, the high Yelp ratings of Warm Springs Pet Hospital can be attributed to their adept marketing tactics. They demonstrate a keen understanding of what most customers find unappealing when seeking veterinary services. This is evident when you visit their website, where they have dedicated an entire page to highlighting how they distinguish themselves from their competitors.

On their website, they make it clear that they do not engage in the practice of charging hidden fees for minor services, which they believe is a deceptive standard of practice that undermines the trust required for long-term client relationships. They emphasize the importance of building client relationships rather than seeking quick profits from a single visit. Ironically, they do not accept new clients, but they readily accept surgical procedures from anyone, regardless of the specific circumstances surrounding the patient. Whether facing complex situations or the need for specialized care due to potential risks, they are open to any surgical patient.

For example, last year, during Stella's assessment by my primary veterinarian, they discovered that she had a broken tooth. They provided me with a list of board-certified veterinarians to consider for the tooth extraction. At that time, I was unaware of the intricacies of this particular tooth extraction, which carried the risk of jaw fracture during the procedure. I mistakenly assumed that my primary vet did not perform dental surgeries.​

As I began searching for a veterinarian to perform the extraction and had an available appointment quite soon, I came across Warm Springs Pet Hospital and was attracted to their "transparency." However, when Warm Springs scheduled the extraction, they did not inform me about potential risks or the complexity of the procedure; they simply proceeded without hesitation. Once again, I had no knowledge of the complexity, so I proceeded under the assumption that it was a routine extraction. Fortunately, the procedure went smoothly, and Stella recovered well after the surgery. Nonetheless, I still carry the guilt of not thoroughly reviewing the paperwork, which included the list of referred veterinarians.

​So returning to the claim that Warm Springs’ believes in building lifelong client relationships rather than making a quick profit off one visit, isn’t it interesting that they don’t accept new clients but immediately accept surgical procedures? Surgeries = one single visit. What are typically the most expensive services provided by a veterinarian? Surgeries. This situation appears to raise questions about the consistency between their claim and their actual business practices. In my view, this reveals their genuine character.

​​I'd like to focus on another topic: they advertise that their fees for spay and neuter surgeries are a flat, uniform cost, in contrast to other vets who may charge based on the pet's weight. Based on my personal experience, it's probable that they charge a fixed fee because they intend to administer the exact same dose of narcotics and anesthesia to every pet, just as they did with both of my cats, despite their 1.5 lbs difference in weight. Medications like these should be precisely calculated based on the patient's specific weight in kilograms. Consequently, your pet might end up being either overmedicated, as was the case with Stella, or undermedicated. I view both scenarios as highly irresponsible and negligent.

It's laughable to observe the tactics they employ to win you over as a customer. Instead of highlighting their extensive training and experience, they seem to resort to discrediting other veterinarians, insinuating that these professionals engage in manipulative practices – something they claim not to do at Warm Springs. Recognizing the considerable expenses associated with veterinary services, they choose to entice potential clients with remarkably low prices, prominently displayed on their website. It's a strategy that naturally appeals to the average customer.​ The vast majority in fact. 

I’d like to draw attention to other assertions they make on their website. They confidently assure you that the value and quality of service you receive by entrusting your pet to them will justify the expense. Well I must admit, they're right. Their dental procedures are indeed only a fraction of the cost compared to others, and my perfectly healthy 3-year-old cat ended up dead thanks to the “quality of service” they provided.​

Furthermore, they state that they prefer to perform many procedures at a lower cost rather than a select few at a premium rate. Admirable, indeed, except that this assembly line approach seems to come at the expense of adequate post-operative monitoring.

​Lastly, they proclaim that every client and pet are unique, deserving of individualized care that is tailored to their specific situation. Admirable, in theory. Yet, when I brought my two distinctly different cats for dental cleanings and extractions, it turned out their treatment plans, including premedication doses (narcotics) and anesthesia, were EXACTLY the same. In fact, last year when Stella had a tooth extraction, she was 1 yr younger and weighed an entire pound less AND still had the same exact EVERYTHING! That sure does signify great individualized care. Additionally, she treated an unstable pet, Stella, in the exact same manner as a perfectly stable patient. No interventions to remedy the situation. Till this day I can’t understand the rationale for the choices she made. Something as simple as giving her a bolus of fluids, so fucking simple and could've made a difference and she couldn't bother to deviate from her assembly line approach to treat me poor baby. Just for reference, I inquired from 3 other veterinarians what they would have done and THEY ALL said the same thing...decrease the rate of gas inhalant, in a couple of min if it doesn't improve, give a bolus of fluids and if it still doesn't improve, administer medication to bring her BP to normal.  "Dr." Debra Chen, it seems, had a one-size-fits-all approach to veterinary care.

​Let me be abundantly clear; as mentioned earlier, I'm not here to simply badmouth this establishment because my cat’s life was cut short while under their care. My aim is to shed light on the glaring disparity between their website rhetoric and the stark reality of their practices. Buyer beware, indeed.  Beware of their clever marketing tactics. They are aware of how to attract customers, but their genuine concern for you and your pet is questionable. I recommend reading their 1-star reviews on Yelp and paying attention to Debra Chen's responses to negative feedback. In my own experience, she failed to take responsibility for my cat's preventable death. She consistently shifts blame elsewhere or even turns it back on the customer somehow, saying things such as there must have been miscommunication, and the customer didn't interpret what they were told properly. Their image is entirely deceptive; don't be taken in by their insincere facade. They are completely fake and do not genuinely care about you or your pet. Trust me, after the loss of Stella, their emails may have expressed condolences and offers of assistance, but they promptly labeled my chart in capital letters as a non-service client, making it clear that all communication should go to the owner. In my view, such conduct is far from reflecting genuine care.

screenshot of job posting for warm springs pet hospital

This is a job post for prospective vets at Warm Springs. As you can see they advertise "high volume surgeries" and what's so reassuring as a pet parent is the comment, "for those that would like to develop those skills" - I suppose our pets are viewed as test subjects 

title of section yelp reviews

Yelp Reviews

Here is a compilation of the 1-star reviews provided by various customers. I have consolidated them for your convenience, facilitating a comprehensive overview of recurring themes. Additionally, this arrangement enables you to identify common concerns expressed by reviewers and observe how Debra Chen, DVM addresses each critique. As of now, there has been no response from Debra Chen to my review.

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I want to bring attention to Amber's story. Last year, she took her dog, Dali, to Warm Springs for a dental procedure. Reading about how she was treated, and imagining the agony of witnessing her baby in such distress, is beyond comprehension. I can only imagine, knowing how painful it was when I received a call about Stella not responding to CPR. The anguish of seeing my pet suffer from seizures, with those responsible (Dr. Wang) nowhere to be found and ignoring my desperate calls, I would've gone insane. It's incomprehensible that someone could subject another person to such torment. It's cruel that they allowed Amber to go through that. How can anyone with a shred of decency sleep at night knowing they caused such pain? 

A heartbreaking loss of a pet that occurred at Warm Springs Pet Hospital. Amber’s dog experienced seizures after undergoing routine dental cleaning performed by this veterinary hospital. Not only did they cause the death of her cherished dog, she was treated extremely inappropriately by this facility's staff. I was shocked after chatting with her. 

AMBER Z.  |  MAY 17, 2022

Here's an example of their attempt to make you out to be responsible by making false statements. The only reason I am certain the patient is not lying is because I've personally experienced it firsthand. Also, one time I completely forgot about my cat's appointment and Pet's Friend Animal Clinic (my primary vet) kindly called approx 15-20 min past the appointment time to confirm if I was still coming. I felt horrible and said it would be best to reschedule and they accommodated my request with no issues at all and no fees charged. In the business manager's (the vet responsible for Stella's death) response, I find it interesting that she states the reason for implementing a fee for being late is because they don't want to jeopardize the level of care they provide. I can strongly attest to the fact that this statement is inaccurate. It is evident that they do not prioritize the quality of care they are delivering by seeing how they handled my experience.

JACKIE C.   |   AUGUST 30, 2022

This review directly reflects the true character of this clinic. And I'm sorry, the comment that they support the use of board certified specialists is crap. They make statements like this when it benefits them. Last year, my primary vet, who is accredited and WONDERFUL, referred me to several board certified vet dentists because Stella's tooth that was broken is a complicated extraction due to the possibility of the jaw cracking when extracted. Regrettably, I did not realize this was the case and I never actually read the section in the paperwork that listed the referrals. HUGE mistake on my part and I wholeheartedly feel responsible for not being more attentive. I did look into a vet that would do the extraction based on pricing. At that time, I never knew some vets are not board certified. I assumed if they were doing surgeries, they are completely qualified/certified to perform them. Never did Warm Springs mention anything about the difficulty of extracting this specific tooth and booked me for an appointment right away. Thankfully, everything went well. It was only after she passed that I inquired from my primary vet why they didn't do the extraction themselves...I just assumed they didn't to dental surgeries. Once they explained the reason to me, I was so disappointed in myself that I unknowingly took my baby to a much less qualified vet and not a board certified vet because I was concerned with the price. A decision I will regret until the day I die.

LISA P.   |   FEBRUARY 13, 2020

They really should consider taking the time to talk to the patient before and after regarding what to expect and how everything went, especially when it involves surgery/anesthesia. Again, common theme, money and don't care about your pet.

REBECCAH K.   |    MAY 28, 2022

An example of treatment they provided that would be completely counterproductive to the situation. If a patient is constipated or having difficulty having a bowel movement, giving pain medication would only exacerbate this problem.

E.Y.    |   JANUARY 4, 2021

What a sad story. It's incredibly hard to believe they completely lost the patient's entire record. Legally they have to provide the records within 5 days of requesting. Which leads me to believe the statement that they have no record of the patient at all is completely made up.

ALICIA R.   |   OCTOBER 20, 2021

Another example of lies. I mean, if it's one or two reviews that make an accusation that they lie, then yes, it's believable that they might be making it up. But when there are numerous reviews, you have to know it's the truth. I'll be honest with you, when I read Dr. Chen's replies, it makes me sick to my stomach. She always tries to make it seem like the client is the one who misunderstood what "actually" happened. Grosses me out.

RAKHI I.   |   SEPTEMBER 21, 2021

Yet another with the common theme of lying and not caring if your pet lives or dies. Please refrain from passing judgments on the credibility of this review due to its grammatical errors; it's apparent that English is not the reviewer's first language.

PREETO S.   |   JUNE 28, 2022

Yet another example where Dr. Chen fabricates the truth to benefit the clinic. How horrible that they intentionally post these lies on yelp to make it appear to other people reading reviews that it's always the client who is "misunderstanding" or "lying" when in fact they are the ones lying! Maybe the clarity Dr. Chen needs is to be an honest person with some morals.

VIVIAN V.   |   JULY 25, 2021

An example of how poorly they handle situations with their clients. Personally, I would have been infuriated at the condescending tone when Dr. Chen makes the statement "just like at a human clinic." Also, I've NEVER heard that appointments begin when medical history questions are being obtained. Appointment start times are when they are scheduled for. Also, how convenient to say guardians of patients when it benefits you but when you kill our pet, we're not considered guardians anymore because our pets are merely property, right? Animal laws are so screwed up and always benefit the veterinarians.

SMITHA G.   |   NOV 15, 2021

This review supports my belief that overbooking of surgeries was a factor in Stella's passing while under their care. One can assume that by not accepting new clients but taking on anyone looking to book a surgery , they lack the ability to give each case the meticulous attention and care it deserves. Their entire strategy, and perhaps why they attract so many clients, revolves around offering services at significantly lower prices compared to other vet hospitals. They invest a lot of effort in emphasizing their supposed "transparency" by listing all their prices online. In contrast, many other vets typically require an examination before providing estimates for specific procedures, which in hindsight, I trust to be the safer, more ethical and the responsible thing to do. They also claim to prioritize building lifelong client relationships rather than making a quick profit from one-time visits. However, this statement contradicts their current operations by declining to accept new clients but will take high-cost, single-visit surgeries from anyone.

Speaking from my own experience, they took on dental surgeries for both of my cats without adequately reviewing their medical history. In fact, they didn't even check Stella's lab results before sedating her in preparation for surgery. Does that sound safe to you? Their effort to appear trustworthy and honest actually seems to indicate the opposite. I've personally encountered their dishonesty, and it seems that other reviewers have experienced the same.

JEAN L.   |   MARCH 18, 2022

Another incident that occurred at Warm Springs Pet Hospital. The details are not clear but obviously something bad happened based off the vets response that something “tragic” happened.

C.D.   |   MAY 17, 2022

This review is about a different vet at Warm Springs. I've read a few negative reviews about Dr. Singh. He took part in the rescue measures for Stella. From reading the reviews about him, his character evidently lacks compassion and genuine care for our pets. Additionally, he sounds just about the same, if not more, incompetent as Debra Chen. 

A.N.N.  |  MAY 29, 2022

This review sheds light on the operational strategy of Warm Springs. In their early business days, considerable effort was likely invested in expanding their client base. However, as the business evolved, a shift towards prioritizing quantity over quality seems apparent. The practice of showcasing prices online may create an impression of transparency, yet it appears to be a tactic aimed at attracting a wider audience. Behind this façade lies an intention to prioritize the quantity of surgeries, potentially compromising the overall quality - I will say though, this is one review in which it seems Debra Chen actually responded in a way that doesn't seem to place blame on the client and made changes to improve.  

KYLIE H. |  AUGUST 25, 2021

This review isn't detailed with their experience to explain why they feel the way they feel but they were still able to recognize the common view that this business is too busy to provide adequate quality of care. Again, quantity vs quality

BENNY L. |  AUGUST 25, 2021

This review highlights a noticeable deficiency in the experience and proficiency one would typically expect from a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. While acknowledging the challenges of placing a urinary catheter, the question arises: if the procedure cannot be successfully executed due to a lack of skill, is it justified to charge the customer? I find this questionable. It is understandable that a dog would resist having a catheter inserted into its urethra. The crux of the matter is that customers are paying for the expertise of someone regarded as an "expert" in animal care, and if the procedure cannot be carried out successfully, it raises concerns about the vet's competence.

There may have been a suggestion to sedate the pet for the urine sample, but even this approach may be met with reservations. If the same procedure has been performed successfully elsewhere without the need for sedation, it implies a lack of proficiency on the part of the vet. In hindsight, armed with this knowledge, one might interpret it as a signal about the vet's level of experience and opt to seek services elsewhere, as the customer eventually did.

SIMON J. |  SEPTEMBER 20, 2019


There seems to be a common issue among several of the reviews that customers pets experienced seizures after a procedure was performed at Warm Springs Pet Hospital. 

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